Nobody told me there could be love like this.
Right after my mom got her terminal diagnosis, she immediately made one request of me:
She said, "Promise me you'll have children. You won't regret it."
Well, at the time I would have said anything to her; she had just found out she was dying. I didn't know if I'd be able to keep my promise to have children, but I would certainly try.
I understand now why she wanted so badly for me to have this. Josh has changed my life. I was never prepared for loving someone this much. It makes me ache, even. He's perfect and charming, and even if he weren't, I'd love him this much anyway. He was 3 weeks old as of yesterday.
Three weeks! That's such a short time. But I can't remember my life before him, and I don't want to. He's absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to me, even when he's been nursing for the whole day and I haven't had a chance to eat or take a shower or anything. When he's sleeping, I sometimes want him to wake up just so we can cuddle some more. When he cries, I get all squirrely until I can comfort him.
I can stare at him, literally, for hours. He looks nothing like me, and I sometimes wonder if he really did grow inside my body. But even if he came from another planet, I'd still be this taken with him.
I've been grateful for a lot of things in my life, but I have never been as grateful as I am right now, for a baby I didn't plan on having, and at one point, thought had ruined my life. Life sure is full of surprises.
She said, "Promise me you'll have children. You won't regret it."
Well, at the time I would have said anything to her; she had just found out she was dying. I didn't know if I'd be able to keep my promise to have children, but I would certainly try.
I understand now why she wanted so badly for me to have this. Josh has changed my life. I was never prepared for loving someone this much. It makes me ache, even. He's perfect and charming, and even if he weren't, I'd love him this much anyway. He was 3 weeks old as of yesterday.
Three weeks! That's such a short time. But I can't remember my life before him, and I don't want to. He's absolutely the best thing that's ever happened to me, even when he's been nursing for the whole day and I haven't had a chance to eat or take a shower or anything. When he's sleeping, I sometimes want him to wake up just so we can cuddle some more. When he cries, I get all squirrely until I can comfort him.
I can stare at him, literally, for hours. He looks nothing like me, and I sometimes wonder if he really did grow inside my body. But even if he came from another planet, I'd still be this taken with him.
I've been grateful for a lot of things in my life, but I have never been as grateful as I am right now, for a baby I didn't plan on having, and at one point, thought had ruined my life. Life sure is full of surprises.
At November 28, 2005 at 4:32:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
This message, for as long as we've known you, is our favourite thing you've had to say in that time…
And you've said some pretty great things!
You deserve every bit of this joy. You are responsible for this happiness. Live inside of it :)
At November 28, 2005 at 4:36:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
p.s. Danielle says, "where's the pictures??" ;)
At November 29, 2005 at 11:39:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
It really isn't something that you can properly explain to someone until they experience it themselves, is it? Reading portions of that is like reading my own thoughts (especially the nursing all the time part!) when Connor was born. It only gets more and more amazing.
Love you!
PS Connor looked nothing like me when he was first born either, now I find I can see elements of myself in him more and more...
At November 30, 2005 at 7:16:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
I actually saw a Discovery Channel show special once that claimed we are genetically engineered to look more like our fathers for the first three months. In order to get them to stick around, they said. His true little features will start to emerge around three or four months, according to the show. It was like that with my first, but my second is four years old now and he is a tiny clone of his father. *shrugs* We have identical moles in three places, and he has my brains and tempermanent, so that's good enough for me.
Ahh, I remember those first few blissful weeks. Years, even. I really wanted another, but I am going to live vicariously throught you.
(oh, and spelling is real low on my priorities now.)
I'd send you some stuff I have been eyeing at the store if I could just figure out how to send it without both of us having to pay for it! LOL!
I am if you need me. It's all I have access to now.
Enjoy that wonderful bundle of great smelling, soft perfection.
At November 30, 2005 at 11:28:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
You are one of the most wonderful & beautiful human beings that I ever had the pleasure of calling a friend.
I am glad you're happy & that having a baby has changed your life in a good way!
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