My Salome Nature

Somewhere along the way you realize the desire to be perfect is not the accomplishment of that feat. Either that paralyzes you, or you make your peace with it. This is my attempt at peace.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Man, it is the year to have a baby. If Hollywood is good for anything, it's trend-setting, and I, for one, like to keep up with the times. When else am I going to find myself in with the likes of Britney Spears, Jennifer Garner, Heidi Klum, Katie Holmes and that other blonde chick from Dawson's Creek? I wonder if they'd be up for a Mommy's Group?

Anyway, I look at my little doo-wop and I can't imagine some vapid Hollywood personality loving her kid this much. Okay, maybe Jennifer Garner, but definitely not Britney Spears. I mean, she transformed her kid's room into a nativity scene for pete's sake. Theme Baby! What fun! Sean Preston may be great, but let's face it, with a dad like Kevin Federline, you know he's not exactly the incarnate God, is he?

The other thing I wonder about is when, if ever, my "downstairs" is going to return to normal. Who would have guessed that 8 pounds of human could do so much damage on its way out?


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