So, I'm sick.
And in becoming sick, I've encountered the next challenge of single parenting. Who do you pass the kid off to so you can lie down and die for awhile? Gone are the days of doping yourself up on Nyquil and calling it a day at 6:30 p.m. Last night, I had to take Josh into the bed with me and hope he wouldn't notice that we weren't doing anything for four hours. Then, because I'd taken such a long (albeit frequently interrupted) nap, I couldn't sleep again until 3 a.m. Josh was up at about 5 and ready to party. I called up God and asked for some reprieve. God was busy.
Another thing that I've found hard is the idea of balancing one's identity pre-kid with one's new identity as a mother. It's been really hard, in fact. I get a little wiggy when someone says, "Yes, but you're a mother now", as if it usurps every single component of my being. I know I'm a mother now. But I'm also still a 30 year old women with lots of plans and some big goals and all my idiosyncratic shit that didn't mysteriously fall by the way side once Josh popped out of my vagina. When I was visiting the Baby Whisperer message boards (leaving posts that looked like this, "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I'M GOING TO PUT MY SON UP FOR ADOPTION") I rarely found a woman who identified herself by her own name. Everyone was "Tristan's Mommy" or "Mom2Jaden". I don't know. Maybe they're also women who feel good about being known as Mrs. John Doe or whatever. I love Josh, and I love being his mother (especially now that his colic is subsiding and we're actually able to have some conversations that don't involve screaming and tears), but I'm still Maryellen. Or maybe these women know something I don't. If I had adopted the moniker "Mom2Josh", perhaps we could have avoided the last 2.5 months of hell, in which case, I'd have happily sold myself out.
But man, what I wouldn't give this morning for a trade-in on my nose, ears and throat.
Another thing that I've found hard is the idea of balancing one's identity pre-kid with one's new identity as a mother. It's been really hard, in fact. I get a little wiggy when someone says, "Yes, but you're a mother now", as if it usurps every single component of my being. I know I'm a mother now. But I'm also still a 30 year old women with lots of plans and some big goals and all my idiosyncratic shit that didn't mysteriously fall by the way side once Josh popped out of my vagina. When I was visiting the Baby Whisperer message boards (leaving posts that looked like this, "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I'M GOING TO PUT MY SON UP FOR ADOPTION") I rarely found a woman who identified herself by her own name. Everyone was "Tristan's Mommy" or "Mom2Jaden". I don't know. Maybe they're also women who feel good about being known as Mrs. John Doe or whatever. I love Josh, and I love being his mother (especially now that his colic is subsiding and we're actually able to have some conversations that don't involve screaming and tears), but I'm still Maryellen. Or maybe these women know something I don't. If I had adopted the moniker "Mom2Josh", perhaps we could have avoided the last 2.5 months of hell, in which case, I'd have happily sold myself out.
But man, what I wouldn't give this morning for a trade-in on my nose, ears and throat.
At January 27, 2006 at 6:33:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
I totally get what you're saying. I go on message boards and have always been "Alwynn" and feel no need to change it. Yes, I'm there to talk about my son but it doesn't define me. It's very difficult finding that balance, and realizing that for the rest of your life, you have someone else to put first. Especially if that someone else is making your life miserable!
On the other note, let me know if you need some help, I can always come over and take Josh for a bit while you get some rest. Seriously. It's important that you rest up and get better, for both your sakes!
At January 27, 2006 at 3:24:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
You're forever Mare to me.
At January 30, 2006 at 8:15:00 AM PST,
Trent said…
I feel your identity crisis. On Saturday I went out with soem guy friends to learn how to play a new game and drink. I had HUGE anxiety realizing that a) I rarely go out socially without the kids/family in tow and b) I have not hung out with single guys in so long I was freaking out.
When I saw you a few weeks ago I didn't see you as Josh's mom, I saw you as Maryellen, the funny chick I drank with so many years ago who now has a kid and is still perhaps one of the most amazing people I know.
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