The Kid Ain't Bad... That's Just His Mother
Poor Joshua.
I've been complaining and whining and crying about how miserable a baby he is, and really kind of ruining his reputation, when all this time he was fine... it was me that was the problem. How'd he end up with such a crappy mom? Bum deal.
Anyway, Andrew's mom gave me a book for Christmas about "calming, connecting and communicating" with one's baby. I started to read it the moment I opened it and left the other presents (and Andrew) sitting there waiting for some attention. But by that point, I was so desperate for some kind of help (after trying every medicinal, homeopathic, and folk treatment for colic I could find) that I couldn't wait a second longer to see if maybe this finally offered some answers.
Boy howdy. Did it ever. The kid wasn't colicky. He was tired. Overtired. Strung out. Exhausted. And it was all my fault. Why don't babies come with instruction manuals, like new cooking appliances? You know, like, every six months, make sure you season your cast iron frying pans. That kind of thing. If Josh had come with a manual, I would have learned much earlier on that he needs to be put down for a nap every two hours. Surprisingly, a newborn baby isn't able to tell his shell shocked mother that she has to swaddle him tightly in a blanket, darken the room, and lay him down in his crib when he starts to fuss and wail. Here I was thinking he was alright in the morning but as the day went on, he grew more and more agitated and impossible to be around. I thought babies slept, you know, like babies. I honestly figured they went to sleep when they were sleepy and that you just sorta needed to stand back and let them do their thing. The R on my forehead is for "Retard".
This whole motherhood business has been the most humbling thing I've ever done. I think about watching my little boy struggling and crying, and the cursing and screaming into my pillow, and it makes my heart bleed out a little bit. Thank God the hell is over.
Every mother-to-be I meet is getting a copy of this book from now on.
I've been complaining and whining and crying about how miserable a baby he is, and really kind of ruining his reputation, when all this time he was fine... it was me that was the problem. How'd he end up with such a crappy mom? Bum deal.
Anyway, Andrew's mom gave me a book for Christmas about "calming, connecting and communicating" with one's baby. I started to read it the moment I opened it and left the other presents (and Andrew) sitting there waiting for some attention. But by that point, I was so desperate for some kind of help (after trying every medicinal, homeopathic, and folk treatment for colic I could find) that I couldn't wait a second longer to see if maybe this finally offered some answers.
Boy howdy. Did it ever. The kid wasn't colicky. He was tired. Overtired. Strung out. Exhausted. And it was all my fault. Why don't babies come with instruction manuals, like new cooking appliances? You know, like, every six months, make sure you season your cast iron frying pans. That kind of thing. If Josh had come with a manual, I would have learned much earlier on that he needs to be put down for a nap every two hours. Surprisingly, a newborn baby isn't able to tell his shell shocked mother that she has to swaddle him tightly in a blanket, darken the room, and lay him down in his crib when he starts to fuss and wail. Here I was thinking he was alright in the morning but as the day went on, he grew more and more agitated and impossible to be around. I thought babies slept, you know, like babies. I honestly figured they went to sleep when they were sleepy and that you just sorta needed to stand back and let them do their thing. The R on my forehead is for "Retard".
This whole motherhood business has been the most humbling thing I've ever done. I think about watching my little boy struggling and crying, and the cursing and screaming into my pillow, and it makes my heart bleed out a little bit. Thank God the hell is over.
Every mother-to-be I meet is getting a copy of this book from now on.
At January 10, 2006 at 4:27:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
god honey you have done nothing wrong - you get a manual with everything in life - but never the baby. I am so glad that you are coming into your own. Never underestimate the challange of raising a child. You are my hero!!!!
At January 10, 2006 at 8:47:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Haha, if you think this is difficult, wait until he hits about two or three. Then there ARE no books with answers. They are on the market, but nope, they do not work.
Aww, sweetie, in the states, they tell new moms all that swaddling, sleeping every two hours stuff. They sort of give you a crash course in infant parenting before you chekout. They even strap the car seat in correctly for you.
OMG! Have I found a way the US exceeds Canada's medical program? If I had know you didn't know that stuff, that rudimentary stuff, I would have told you. Shit. I should have sent you a copy of "What to Expect When You're excpecting" instead of ducky outfits.
Glad you have some peace. And for the record, mothers do not cause schizophrenia, autism and anoerexia. Keep that in mind. Loving, caring, compassionate mothers carry that over to their children. Remember now you are a role model. You have about eight months to get your shit straight, before he picks up on EVERYTHING. < :)
take care and stay sane.
At January 11, 2006 at 7:23:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
Wow, I'm so thrilled for you that this is working, but really, don't be blaming yourself. Every baby is different. They did tell me at the hospital about swaddling but I could never get it right, and Connor always broke free of it anyhow because he didn't really like it. And I couldn't get the kid NOT to sleep during the day so putting him down every 2 hours would be kinda silly. They didn't specificially tell me to put him down every 2 hours, just feed him every 4. I suppose because they need to eat every 4 hours, but the sleeping thing can be all over the map.
Regardless, the point is: live and learn, no one else would have done it better and the main thing is that there is a happier mama and baby! Here's hoping it keeps up in this direction.
At January 12, 2006 at 4:55:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Just think how ready you'll be for your next one!
At January 22, 2006 at 12:33:00 PM PST,
ExBF said…
What's the name of that book? my friend's are about to have a baby, and trust me when I say they will need all the help they can get...
Hang in there!
At January 27, 2006 at 3:42:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
I would have assumed they'd fall asleep on their own yeah, we're in the same boat, sister. Except I have you to tell me this stuff before it happens! :) I'm glad things are better for you, and glad I know about this place now. *hugs*
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