Reply to some comments
Since I don't think many of you go back and read the comments section, I never get a chance to respond to what you've said in response to some of the posts I've made. I just wanted to do that here:
Merci, danke, gracias. I will not, however, be asking you for any rides anywhere as you are an exhausted working mother and need to get your ass some rest.
As for the carseat bag, yes, that's an awesome invention and I do have one. The problem is, I don't have a car to put the carseat in, and lugging it around on the TTC is preparation for a chiropractor's visit. The reason I need a snowsuit is so I can wear Josh outside instead of relying on a stroller, which is also a huge pain in the ass on the TTC.
Josh is wearing six month clothing right now. I suspect he will have outgrown that size by Thursday, however. I'd say it's something he's eating, but unless my breastmilk is super-charged, I can't think of anything that's making him so big. Also, you don't need to send me any Carter's stuff (but if you do, I will take lots of photos and boast about what a cutie he is. You should have seen him today. I had him in this white fluffy outfit that Alwynn brought back from one of her trips to the States and the kid looks good enough to eat. I swear it to heaven.) I think using just regular post is the way to go so there are no customs fees charged. We have the ability to insure our packages here... I'm not sure how USPS works though.
Also, I wanted to let you know that my midwives did tell me to swaddle Josh when he was born, but they didn't tell me that he would struggle and fight against it, and that it didn't mean I should let him out, but that I should swaddle him more tightly so he wouldn't be able to flail at all. Once I got the hang of that, Josh settled much more quickly. I learned that from a book, and the book was AWESOME (thanks again, Alwynn!) I think there's a huge deficit in what our mothers are able to learn at the hospital though, because they're in and out so quickly and the hospitals are so over-full and under-staffed. I went home 3 hours after Josh was born. I just wanted to be in my own bed and I wouldn't have listened to a nurse at that point, I don't think. My midwives came to visit lots in the first three weeks, though, and that was really great. It saved me having to take him to a doctor's office or anything like that.
Thanks for offering the carseat contraption (assuming you found it) but it's okay. I don't need a snowsuit for the carseat, I need a car for the carseat. Do you have one of those lying around somewhere?
Thank you so much for taking me to Sherway and for buying me lunch and for being a calm presence around Josh so that he went to sleep -- TWICE! Yay! I really had a great time wandering around the mall and looking at all the stuff we couldn't afford. Let's do it again soon, even if you are a big fat "Mommy" sellout. Ha.
Watch that mailbox. There's some good stuff on the way. :) :)
Merci, danke, gracias. I will not, however, be asking you for any rides anywhere as you are an exhausted working mother and need to get your ass some rest.
As for the carseat bag, yes, that's an awesome invention and I do have one. The problem is, I don't have a car to put the carseat in, and lugging it around on the TTC is preparation for a chiropractor's visit. The reason I need a snowsuit is so I can wear Josh outside instead of relying on a stroller, which is also a huge pain in the ass on the TTC.
Josh is wearing six month clothing right now. I suspect he will have outgrown that size by Thursday, however. I'd say it's something he's eating, but unless my breastmilk is super-charged, I can't think of anything that's making him so big. Also, you don't need to send me any Carter's stuff (but if you do, I will take lots of photos and boast about what a cutie he is. You should have seen him today. I had him in this white fluffy outfit that Alwynn brought back from one of her trips to the States and the kid looks good enough to eat. I swear it to heaven.) I think using just regular post is the way to go so there are no customs fees charged. We have the ability to insure our packages here... I'm not sure how USPS works though.
Also, I wanted to let you know that my midwives did tell me to swaddle Josh when he was born, but they didn't tell me that he would struggle and fight against it, and that it didn't mean I should let him out, but that I should swaddle him more tightly so he wouldn't be able to flail at all. Once I got the hang of that, Josh settled much more quickly. I learned that from a book, and the book was AWESOME (thanks again, Alwynn!) I think there's a huge deficit in what our mothers are able to learn at the hospital though, because they're in and out so quickly and the hospitals are so over-full and under-staffed. I went home 3 hours after Josh was born. I just wanted to be in my own bed and I wouldn't have listened to a nurse at that point, I don't think. My midwives came to visit lots in the first three weeks, though, and that was really great. It saved me having to take him to a doctor's office or anything like that.
Thanks for offering the carseat contraption (assuming you found it) but it's okay. I don't need a snowsuit for the carseat, I need a car for the carseat. Do you have one of those lying around somewhere?
Thank you so much for taking me to Sherway and for buying me lunch and for being a calm presence around Josh so that he went to sleep -- TWICE! Yay! I really had a great time wandering around the mall and looking at all the stuff we couldn't afford. Let's do it again soon, even if you are a big fat "Mommy" sellout. Ha.
Watch that mailbox. There's some good stuff on the way. :) :)
At January 31, 2006 at 7:07:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
I meant to ask - did you type up a birth story of any sort? We haven't really talked about that at all. I totally love reading them. :D
At February 2, 2006 at 1:23:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Yes, that whole hospital thing sounded like my nightmare of induction. Geeze. That Pitocin shit is EVIL. And over here, they don't let you go home for a day or two. I was in two days with both, and Schuyler had to stay a few days becuase he was having respitorary problems. Poor kid still does. My induction took from 10 am until almost midnight. I can tell you from experience that those Pitocin contraction are at least eight times worse than the plain ole fashioned ones.
Let's see what I can find at the Carter's joint! Whee!
At February 2, 2006 at 5:13:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
I just looked it up, and I am prohibited from sending you butter subsitutes, alcohol and firearms. It didn't mention heroin. Haha. I can't believe that the ban on butter subsitutes is way high on the list. Margarine is illegal in Canada?
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