Wanted: One Ride to the Mall
I'm not sure that I've fully exhausted all my opportunities for complaining on here yet, so here's another: I need to get to the bloody mall!
Can I get there? Yes, technically, I can. It will take me over an hour on the bus, though, and that would leave me with approximately 15 seconds leftover before Josh has a meltdown and needs to return home to be put to bed properly. Oh no, not one of those take-anywhere boys is my wee son. Here's the dilemma: Josh's dad got him a snowsuit for Christmas. A 9 month snowsuit. (let me point out here that Josh was 7 weeks old on Christmas day.) Naturally, the thing is gigantic and putting him in it is somewhat like dumping him in the Bemuda Triangle. So I have to get to the mall and exchange it for a smaller one. But to get to the mall, I need to put Josh in a snowsuit so he doesn't freeze. But to get a snowsuit that fits Josh, I have to get to the mall. The vicious cycle continues endlessly.
There are other things I need at the mall. Like presents for friends whose birthdays and important events have been sacrificed on the altar of Singlemotherwith2montholdbabyandnocar. Other mothers have it together better than I do. I don't know who let me into this club in the first place.
Today, we have to go to church. It's 1 hour on the streetcar there and normally we have a ride back, but today things are tricky. Today, we have to take the streetcar home, too, and that may very well result in bedlam. To all my fellow TTC travellers: I apologize in advance.
Can I get there? Yes, technically, I can. It will take me over an hour on the bus, though, and that would leave me with approximately 15 seconds leftover before Josh has a meltdown and needs to return home to be put to bed properly. Oh no, not one of those take-anywhere boys is my wee son. Here's the dilemma: Josh's dad got him a snowsuit for Christmas. A 9 month snowsuit. (let me point out here that Josh was 7 weeks old on Christmas day.) Naturally, the thing is gigantic and putting him in it is somewhat like dumping him in the Bemuda Triangle. So I have to get to the mall and exchange it for a smaller one. But to get to the mall, I need to put Josh in a snowsuit so he doesn't freeze. But to get a snowsuit that fits Josh, I have to get to the mall. The vicious cycle continues endlessly.
There are other things I need at the mall. Like presents for friends whose birthdays and important events have been sacrificed on the altar of Singlemotherwith2montholdbabyandnocar. Other mothers have it together better than I do. I don't know who let me into this club in the first place.
Today, we have to go to church. It's 1 hour on the streetcar there and normally we have a ride back, but today things are tricky. Today, we have to take the streetcar home, too, and that may very well result in bedlam. To all my fellow TTC travellers: I apologize in advance.
At January 29, 2006 at 11:06:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, if it were London, you know I totally tote you around where you needed to go in a second.
In other news, I sorta started the work on our web space… look at the linky on my name
At January 29, 2006 at 6:32:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
As always, just give me a call. I'm happy to take you anywhere you want to go, but obviously it would have to be in the evening or on the weekend. As an aside... have you seen these: http://www.toysrus.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&catalogId=10052&langId=-1&productId=77889 There are lots of different types, but you get the idea, it covers the entire carseat, snuggly, etc. so you don't have to bundle them up in a big bulky snowsuit...
At January 30, 2006 at 8:21:00 AM PST,
Trent said…
Let me check with vanessa. We had this contraption that went on your car seat so that snowsuits were no longer needed. It had a small window that opened so you could "check-in". If we haven't given it away I will mail it to you.
By the way, I hope that you are saving these blogs somewhere permanent for the future book. Watch out Lamott, your E.T. kid is too old to bitch slap now.....Maryellen's book is on its way.
At January 30, 2006 at 11:06:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
I have some great sales up here (down here?) at Carters. What size is the lil monster now? And how do I ship so you DO NOT GET CHARGED? erickasmith@qwest.com lemme know.
I feel your pain. When Schuyler, as a three month old, got the intestinal virus, he not only peed but shit and puked in my mouth. Yes, we laid together in eminate death, but death did not stop.
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