Most days, I am fine with being alone and raising Josh. I know that this is what I signed up for, and I wouldn't trade it in for anything, much as it drains me sometimes.
But there are other times, like today, when I find myself begging God for a partner. A good man who won't cheat or lie or betray my trust. A man who will honour his relationship with me and Josh above all things and never let anyone interfere with it. A man who would walk over glass if it meant he could save me from being hurt. It seems an impossible wishlist, especially given the calibur of men that I see around me. My generation has raised very few gentlemen.
And yet, I know there is a lot that is wrong with me. I know that I am crass and uncouth and I think in violent black and white sometimes. I know that I am insecure and jaded from having been cheated on so many times. I've watched men who promised me their fidelity and undying devotion walk away so many times that I've stopped believing in "I love you" as anything more than a token expectation after 2 or 3 months together.
So I wonder if it's realistic for me to hope and wish and dream and ask. Perhaps I don't really even deserve the type of relationship I long for. I'm not the gentle, soulful, thoughtful girl I would really like to be. I'm not the mellow, kind, patient person I admire so well. And I've always said that I'd never ask of someone what I couldn't also deliver, so maybe I've already lost the race before even leaving the starting point.
I can't change my circumstances. I can't be the fun, cute, carefree single girl I would really like to be. And subduing my fiesty protective and defensive personality seems an insurmountable task. So for now, all I can pray is, God make me nicer. Reming me to talk less, listen more. Be patient, be considerate, be genuinely sweet. I don't want to be a cheese grater anymore. I don't want to hate myself anymore.
But there are other times, like today, when I find myself begging God for a partner. A good man who won't cheat or lie or betray my trust. A man who will honour his relationship with me and Josh above all things and never let anyone interfere with it. A man who would walk over glass if it meant he could save me from being hurt. It seems an impossible wishlist, especially given the calibur of men that I see around me. My generation has raised very few gentlemen.
And yet, I know there is a lot that is wrong with me. I know that I am crass and uncouth and I think in violent black and white sometimes. I know that I am insecure and jaded from having been cheated on so many times. I've watched men who promised me their fidelity and undying devotion walk away so many times that I've stopped believing in "I love you" as anything more than a token expectation after 2 or 3 months together.
So I wonder if it's realistic for me to hope and wish and dream and ask. Perhaps I don't really even deserve the type of relationship I long for. I'm not the gentle, soulful, thoughtful girl I would really like to be. I'm not the mellow, kind, patient person I admire so well. And I've always said that I'd never ask of someone what I couldn't also deliver, so maybe I've already lost the race before even leaving the starting point.
I can't change my circumstances. I can't be the fun, cute, carefree single girl I would really like to be. And subduing my fiesty protective and defensive personality seems an insurmountable task. So for now, all I can pray is, God make me nicer. Reming me to talk less, listen more. Be patient, be considerate, be genuinely sweet. I don't want to be a cheese grater anymore. I don't want to hate myself anymore.
At June 12, 2006 at 7:04:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
Well, I don't know about any of that. I think you're great and deserve the best.
At June 12, 2006 at 10:50:00 PM PDT,
Help I need a user name! said…
I don't think you're crass or a cheese grater (I love the analogy, though) or anything you mentioned you are. You're unselfish; you're giving all of yourself to a tiny boy who is incredibly draining as well as incredibly wonderful. J&D, your friends in London, love you so much they won't let you pay for fancy groceries. Your son adores you. Most, if not all, readers of your blog think you're great. Mostly, of course, God thinks you're swizznet. He made you and loves you more than any of us on this Earthly plane can. Way more! You are sweet and kind and wonderful. And hey, you get a new apartment in a few weeks...there's something to look forward to. Closer to friends and church and work. I digress and I babble, but even the little I know about you tells me you are none of the damning things you think.
At June 13, 2006 at 12:28:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
Your words brought tears to my eyes becuase it was like reading how I've been feeling lately.
You need to not be so hard on yourself sweetheart. You are such a kind, giving, loving person. No matter what goes on in your life you always have a moment to stop and say something uplifting to your friends, or offer words of encouragement to whomever needs them. You're a fantastic mother.
You're perfectly deserving of a good man, and he has to be out there, somewhere. you have a big heart and deserves someone who has a heart just as big. I will tell you what someone told me a few days ago... don't go looking for a man; he'll come find you when the time is right for you and him. It will all be ok. I think about you a lot and pray for you at night.
At June 13, 2006 at 5:27:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
The best thing I could ever tell you is that you aren't the person you see yourself as… You are so much more more than that, and so much better.
Heck no!
But you're you. And that is better than I could imagine. And I am sure the others who feel and care about you the same as we do.
And while I don't think you necessarily need someone to be complete, I do feel in my heart, that there is someone out there who will meet your desires and even complement them.
I know who you are.
And I like her.
At June 15, 2006 at 10:16:00 AM PDT,
Anonymous said…
I think a lot of women, myself included, fall into the trap of thinking that if we could just fix ourselves enough, we would find someone who would stick around. Unfortunately it seems like commitment, monogamy and forever are becoming rarer and rarer. Till death do us part has become (at least on the man's part a lot of the time), till death do us part or until either A) I get bored, or B) something better comes along. I do believe people will start to get sick of this and it will change. The pendulum always swings back eventually.
In the meantime, I firmly believe there's someone out there for everyone. I still get scared that he'll leave me or that I'm too flawed or fat or shy or old or whatever, but he keeps reassuring me that he loves me for all that I am, and that I am way too hard on myself. Still, those fears die hard, especially after being repeatedly hurt. It's hard not to think he'll bail like the rest.
You WILL find someone who will love you and Josh, and think that you are fantastic just how you are! I think you're awesome. You are perfect in everything that makes you Mare, and in the eyes of God and some single waiting man out there, you will be a gift. Please don't think you have to change to be acceptable.
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