My Salome Nature

Somewhere along the way you realize the desire to be perfect is not the accomplishment of that feat. Either that paralyzes you, or you make your peace with it. This is my attempt at peace.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Happiest Baby on the Block

First though, hello Leanne! Nice to meet you!

You know what's weird? Maybe I'm jinxing myself here, but I'm going to venture out and just say it anyway: Josh has gone from the most miserable sad sack to the most delightful, easy-to- manage-and-predict child. How did this happen? Did Heaven open up and sprinkle down some angel dust? Did Josh just finally realize how unbelievably fucking spent I was and figured out that his days as a Parker were numbered if he didn't give me a break soon? Who knows? AND WHO CARES!?

Sing it with me: Glory, glory hallelujah! My baby is a nice guy to be around!

I still struggle with the mundane day in and day out of caring for him. It's hard to go from 1200 miles an hour to a turtle paced crawl. I find myself getting REALLY excited about little dumb things like being able to go to the coffee shop or over to 7-11 by myself if someone comes and visits me. I get totally hyped up when I realize it's Thursday morning and that means Mom's Group! Yay! And now that he's easier to comfort and care for, my girlfriends are willing to come and babysit. I forsee a trip to Chapters in the near future...

O happy day.


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