You know what bothers me? People who are chronically late. I'm not talking about the dude who got stuck in traffic because a tractor-trailer rolled over on the highway. I'm talking about people for whom a set meeting time is absolutely arbitrary.
And they think it's cute. They think it's endearing. They say things like, "Oh you know me. I'm always late. I couldn't be on time to my own wedding", etc., as if that justifies the total and complete lack of regard for other people's time. Essentially, what they're saying is, "I know we agreed to meet at 6, but I don't care if you stand there and wait for 45 minutes while I take my time getting to you. Sorry." Sorry. SORRY. I'M SORRY. I'm always late. I'm sorry. Gah, I'm so bothered by it.
In some cases, it's a symptom of ADD. The person has no ability to judge how long a task or a trip will take, and therefore plans poorly. There's just no concept of time, so he will say he can get to the bank, get his haircut, and then make it to the restaurant by 7, but he's only started out at 6. Okay, this is understandable. With people in this situation, you anticipate that incomprehension and plan accordingly.
But with just normal joe-blow-can't-be-on-time-to-save-my-life's -- what do you do? How do these people function? How do they hold down a job when 9 a.m. sometimes means 9:30 or 10? What do they do with their kids? Do they leave them at school until the teacher finally calls to find out where they are? Aren't they embarrassed by their lack of regard for anyone else?
Geez. Get a watch. And some respect.
And they think it's cute. They think it's endearing. They say things like, "Oh you know me. I'm always late. I couldn't be on time to my own wedding", etc., as if that justifies the total and complete lack of regard for other people's time. Essentially, what they're saying is, "I know we agreed to meet at 6, but I don't care if you stand there and wait for 45 minutes while I take my time getting to you. Sorry." Sorry. SORRY. I'M SORRY. I'm always late. I'm sorry. Gah, I'm so bothered by it.
In some cases, it's a symptom of ADD. The person has no ability to judge how long a task or a trip will take, and therefore plans poorly. There's just no concept of time, so he will say he can get to the bank, get his haircut, and then make it to the restaurant by 7, but he's only started out at 6. Okay, this is understandable. With people in this situation, you anticipate that incomprehension and plan accordingly.
But with just normal joe-blow-can't-be-on-time-to-save-my-life's -- what do you do? How do these people function? How do they hold down a job when 9 a.m. sometimes means 9:30 or 10? What do they do with their kids? Do they leave them at school until the teacher finally calls to find out where they are? Aren't they embarrassed by their lack of regard for anyone else?
Geez. Get a watch. And some respect.
At February 22, 2006 at 5:29:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
ahhhh a girl after my heart - I admit I run late from time to tome but a bit a minute or two... but nothing pisses me off more than people who could give a rats ass about others and are late for everything and not a minute or two but hours... basically you are telling me that you do not care about me at all and have no respect....
At February 22, 2006 at 9:44:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like someone we used to know.
At February 23, 2006 at 12:11:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
HEY! Just wanted to drop a note before I forget to say THANK YOU!!!!! for the package. We saved the paper because it was so awesome... :D
Sherm and I will be checking out the book extensively on the plane trip(s) home, and I hope you got yourself another copy! :D
Thank you for the blessing too - it made me cry in a good way.
We love you Mare! (And Josh too!)
At February 24, 2006 at 7:29:00 AM PST,
Trent said…
vanessa has a tendency lately to be late. But is doesn't seem to bother her.
Lately I have been dropping the boys off at their day care. I hate being late...for the day care and then for work. I explained this to V but the other day she wanted me to pick her up before going to get the boys. She comes out 15 minutes late. I tell her that it bothers me. She barely responds. Two days go by. Today I drop the boys of at care on time. The lady says "and could you be here tonight by 5:50?, I was late for something last time". So I DIE of embarrassment.
Anyway, you can look forward to day care as a futuristic hell for you and Josh. Hunter doesn't mind going....its leaving that has become torture. I used to laugh at people who had to try to bend their kid to wrestle them into a car seat. Neither of our kids ever did that. Until now. Until day care. 15 minutes of me attempting to gently and firmly bend my kid enought to get the locking device up between his legs so I can lock him in. NO SUCH DOING. I was seconds from sitting on him. vanessa stepped in. I love that she is the calm voice of reason. I get home, go into the basement and punch the living shit out of a box of blankets. Very mature. But it saves a small life every time!!
Glad to read that Josh is doing better. Yes, you may not recognize it but every time you move from one bad stage to another bad stage things are getting better. I'm sure its not until they are in their 40s before you think you are done with them. I couldbe wrong.
At February 24, 2006 at 9:34:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
People being late, make me aggressive. My husband is a chronic later. Always late. For everything. It drives me up the wall. If I ask him to hurry, he will get angry with me, saying I am rushing him. If you're supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, BE THERE OR BE SQUARE. Or hit in the face.
Dude, I feel you. It's especially tough when you don't have a car.
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