My Salome Nature

Somewhere along the way you realize the desire to be perfect is not the accomplishment of that feat. Either that paralyzes you, or you make your peace with it. This is my attempt at peace.

Monday, February 06, 2006

What I've Decided

I've decided to stop whining and complaining and moaning about Josh and his difficult tempermant. He's not a robot I can program; he's a human being with his own set of interests and dislikes and I can't somehow change that by force of my will. I think what's been happening here is akin to the way rams lock horns. That's not really how I want to parent him. I can do my best to guide him and set boundaries and give him a safe and loving environment to grow up in, but I can't keep making myself nuts by reading all these "experts" who insist that if I don't have him sleep trained by 3 months, I've lost the battle and he's destined for Kingston Penitentiary.

The thing is, I am very lucky to have a healthy, thriving, (mostly) happy baby. And okay, he doesn't like sleep. Well, neither did I (and I still struggle with it.) I've got to start counting my blessings and stop cursing my problems.

Starting today.


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