Random Thoughts.
Now that I'm a mother, I have a million questions that I wish I could ask my own mom. Did she enjoy domesticity? Did she ever feel resentful? Did she use cloth or disposable diapers? When did she start feeding me cereal? Did I like it? Did she have trouble getting me to sleep through the night? How did she manage to return to work when I was 3 months old? These are things I never thought to ask her about until they became relevant to my life. I am so wistful. I wish so much that I could pick up the phone and call her. Does anyone know the number for heaven?
I have learned that I'm anemic. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. It's common enough, but I still feel sort of ripped off, you know? I have to take these iron pills now and I've never had to take anything before because I've managed to keep a very careful diet. At least I now understand (and am getting treated for) the dizziness and fainting. It was getting scary there for awhile. I never knew when it would come on and I was so afraid that I'd faint while holding Josh.
I'm way too confessional. As soon as something happens in my life, I want to tell everyone I know about it. More often than not, I end up embarrassing myself, or worse, jinxing things. I need to learn how to shut up, ride the wave, and make it back to shore without flailing like a drowning woman.
While Josh isn't the cutest baby I've ever seen, he is definitely a likeable guy. I get so many comments about how friendly and bright he is. I'm just going to go ahead and take that as a compliment because I don't really have much else going on right now that's praiseworthy.
I have a pile of dirty clothes in my bedroom that resembles a mountain. Seriously. I am thinking about scaling it so I can get some press coverage about my perseverance and bravery and all that. "Local mom climbs Laundry Everest. Details at 11". Yessssssssss.
I have this friend named Trent who asked if I'd like to visit him and when I wrote him an email saying yes, I'd really like that, he ignored me. I've been punked.
I have learned that I'm anemic. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. It's common enough, but I still feel sort of ripped off, you know? I have to take these iron pills now and I've never had to take anything before because I've managed to keep a very careful diet. At least I now understand (and am getting treated for) the dizziness and fainting. It was getting scary there for awhile. I never knew when it would come on and I was so afraid that I'd faint while holding Josh.
I'm way too confessional. As soon as something happens in my life, I want to tell everyone I know about it. More often than not, I end up embarrassing myself, or worse, jinxing things. I need to learn how to shut up, ride the wave, and make it back to shore without flailing like a drowning woman.
While Josh isn't the cutest baby I've ever seen, he is definitely a likeable guy. I get so many comments about how friendly and bright he is. I'm just going to go ahead and take that as a compliment because I don't really have much else going on right now that's praiseworthy.
I have a pile of dirty clothes in my bedroom that resembles a mountain. Seriously. I am thinking about scaling it so I can get some press coverage about my perseverance and bravery and all that. "Local mom climbs Laundry Everest. Details at 11". Yessssssssss.
I have this friend named Trent who asked if I'd like to visit him and when I wrote him an email saying yes, I'd really like that, he ignored me. I've been punked.
At March 21, 2006 at 4:31:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
you can always come see us!!!! we will not punk you :-)
At March 21, 2006 at 4:36:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
what danielle said
At March 22, 2006 at 8:52:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
Did you ever get that email I sent you ages ago with the CS Lewis excerpt? I hope you enjoyed that.
Also, I wouldn't punk you. I wish you could come see me, right now. We could celebrate our anniversary!
At March 23, 2006 at 9:31:00 PM PST,
Anonymous said…
Since this was a post about random stuff, I'll post a random comment. Did you ever get a chance to listen to that ridiculously-labelled CD I gave you for Christmas, and if so, did you like it? I'm thinking of making another one. Also, we still have Tuesday, right? Let me know. Mostly, I just miss leaving you comments. I still think you should bring the Mare show back to LJ, except for a much more selective and exclusive engagement. That's what I think.
At March 24, 2006 at 9:24:00 AM PST,
Anonymous said…
i agree with malik about bringing the mare show back to lj :) but its up to you!
you're in my thoughts.. glad you're sounding upbeat.
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