Last year, my friend Alwynn wrote a journal entry about "Ferberizing" her son. I didn't know what it was, but I wondered if I should call CAS or something. It turned out to be the thing that saved her and her husband from having to sleep with their son for the rest of his life. I put it in the back of my mind, thinking that maybe some day, I'd need to know how to Ferberize my as-yet unborn child. Well, that day has arrived.
He's almost six months (as of Saturday) and I'm at my limit. I haven't slept through the night since November 6. NOVEMBER 6. The reason I hadn't tried it sooner was because of all the scary things I'd read and heard about it. Toronto Public Health treats it like child abuse. There are sites on the internet (that cater mostly to tree-hugging crunchy granolas like myself) that make it out to be a demonic activity that proves to your child that you just don't love him. I had read several others books as well that seemed to advocate a much kinder approach to sleep training. Well you know what? NONE OF IT WORKED. And I finally got to the end of my rope and asked Alwynn if I could borrow her book. She sent it to me in the mail. The first chapter is called "At the end of my rope". I knew I'd stumbled onto something important.
Last night was our first night. Not fantastic, but not so bad, you know? Josh cried for about an hour when I first put him down, but I went in and comforted him in the specified intervals and eventually, he went to sleep. He woke up at 10:30 and I gave him a bottle as I typically do, because I didn't want him to go from nursing all night to absolutely nothing. Then the roughest patch was at 3:15 (until 4:45 a.m.) but he did go back to sleep until 6:45 this morning. Hopefully this will improve as we continue to follow the guidelines Dr. Ferber has developed. I can't go back to work on such little sleep, and if it's going to take him a month to really learn it, I want to have that firmly in place before trying to take on my job in the daytime.
In other news, I listened to a lot of Sheryl Crow yesterday. Most of her songs got me in some way or another (A change would do you good, are you strong enough to be my man, you're my favourite mistake, etc.) but when I heard the duet, "The Difficult Kind" with Sarah McLachlan, I kind of lost it for awhile. "Tell it to me slow, tell me with your eyes. If anyone should know how to let it slide... I swear I can see you coming up the drive, and there ain't nothing like regret to remind you you're alive. If you could only see what love has made of me, then I'd no longer be in your mind the difficult kind, 'cause babe I've changed." Knives, man. Knives.
So, today, it's back to Ferber and maybe some Stevie Wonder instead.
At May 3, 2006 at 6:43:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
He is so incredibly adorable. Look at that smile! I hope you are able to get some sleep soon.
At May 3, 2006 at 8:06:00 PM PDT,
Help I need a user name! said…
What a beautiful boy! By the way, have you listened to John Lennon's "Beautiful Boy?" It was what we played at the baby blessing of our son. I first heard it while watching "Mr. Holland's Opus." Good stuff.
You're doing the right thing with this Ferber stuff. You're a good mom, you know what's best, and you're doing it. Excellent!
At May 4, 2006 at 3:20:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
I have found in my limited time on this rock, that the things that are worth the most, are always the toughest to accomplish. So, I assume this to be true for what you are embarking on right now. And if it makes you feel any better we have other friends starting the same thing this week also. Good luck and see you in a week!!!! (I will get the tickets Via ASAP & email you)
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