Today I caught my 10 month old son about 3/4 of the way up the staircase. By himself. With scissors in his hand.
Currently campaigning for Mother of the Year...
He's been barfing all over the place, including on me. I have changed my clothes three times. Between that and the constant faucet nose, we're not doing so well. I finally bottomed out with whatever he's carrying, and it's got us both holed up in our casa. The only good thing about a sick baby is the cuddling. Oh my goodness, I love it. He let me rock him in the rocking chair, nuzzled into my neck. He fell asleep approximately 19 seconds in. I stayed there with him longer than I had to, because I knew the chance to do something like that again would be a long time coming. I wanted to store it up, to remember it the next time he's so hyper and whiny I honestly consider knocking him over.
Currently campaigning for Mother of the Year...
Currently campaigning for Mother of the Year...
He's been barfing all over the place, including on me. I have changed my clothes three times. Between that and the constant faucet nose, we're not doing so well. I finally bottomed out with whatever he's carrying, and it's got us both holed up in our casa. The only good thing about a sick baby is the cuddling. Oh my goodness, I love it. He let me rock him in the rocking chair, nuzzled into my neck. He fell asleep approximately 19 seconds in. I stayed there with him longer than I had to, because I knew the chance to do something like that again would be a long time coming. I wanted to store it up, to remember it the next time he's so hyper and whiny I honestly consider knocking him over.
Currently campaigning for Mother of the Year...
At September 26, 2006 at 5:54:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
you would still get my vote babycakes!!!!
At September 26, 2006 at 7:16:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
Maybe he was going upstairs to make crafts for Mommy? There you go quashing his artistic endeavors already!
At September 27, 2006 at 5:04:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
omg that was hilarious. I honestly consider knocking him over. hahahahahhah
love and laffs babe.
Id vote for ya too!!!
At September 27, 2006 at 10:48:00 PM PDT,
Help I need a user name! said…
I would vote for ya!
At September 28, 2006 at 7:20:00 AM PDT,
Trent said…
Xavier woke up at 6am today crying....I thought it was 3am so I took him in the rocking chair and he cuddled with me. No moving just deep breathing. Every few seconds he would touch my hand. I could stay in that chair forever. Its beautiful.
At September 28, 2006 at 7:51:00 PM PDT,
Anonymous said…
I'm glad we don't have stairs, but I'm sure the running with scissors part is coming. lol You're a wonderful mother and don't you forget it. *nods*
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