My Salome Nature

Somewhere along the way you realize the desire to be perfect is not the accomplishment of that feat. Either that paralyzes you, or you make your peace with it. This is my attempt at peace.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Sometimes when I'm feeling all deep and instrospective, like today, I look back over the last two years and think, "Was that a dream?"

Because it feels like I'm just waking up. I mean, truly. I feel like I spent the last 24 months in a coma... subconsciously aware of what was going on around me, but unable to take part in any of it. And that's a stretch for me, because I'm the kind of person who needs to get into the very heart of everything, to understand it, to appreciate it, to decide what to do with it. Instead, I've let my life just sort of "happen" and I've been on the periphery, wondering what's going on. What an odd sensation now, like cold water on my face, and I've finally snapped out of it. I'm in control again. I can make the decisions for myself that lethargy had stolen away. What's more, I have the desire to make those decisions instead of feeling some kind of awkward obligation towards them; instead of feeling like the future was just going to happen, and I had better figure out a way to make peace with it.

I'm glad I'm not getting married. I'm glad I'm not moving to an isolated community with no real purpose in being there (yet) except to keep company to a man who was in full pursuit of his dream. I'm glad I'm standing here, looking at the horizon of a future before me and able to think to myself, "Well? Which path will it be?" I'm glad I have so many options. I'm glad I have the opportunity to explore them. I'm glad I'm alive.

And I realize I fully mean that, now. The thing about being the kind of person who feels everything so deeply is that when pain comes, I can't put it in a nice little package in the closet and only peek in on it from time to time. It seizes me. It moves into every part of me with a paralysis and torture that makes me wonder about my chances of living through it. When I do, I'm amazed. Conversely, of course, is that when love comes, it too moves into every part of me, and I embrace it fully, without consideration for the way it may end up gutting me. And it's not like I have a choice, after all. I can't do anything half-assed. I can't love, or ache, or learn in mediocrity. I'm an all or nothing girl. Which is a drag, of course, because it means that sometimes I end up with my throat slit and bleed out all over the place. Sometimes, though, I end up on mountain tops, holding elation in both of my hands, well-earned.

Would I change it, if I could? Probably. I'd like to have a little more detachment from experience so that it wouldn't affect me so much. I'd like to be able to guard myself a little better. But I can't change those things, and I guess I have to find a way to make peace with that. I've learned though, that sometimes I can choose what I will and will not allow myself to come into contact with, and that's been tremendously empowering. I've decided that the things worth risking are the things worth the whole of me, and I don't believe that I'll be disappointed as long as I continue to be true to that.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Dear God...

Today, don't let me do anything self-destructive. You know how I get.
Today, help me to keep hope about me, in front of me. Remind me to pursue it.
Today, teach me that my purpose in life is not to seek instant gratification. Show me that joy is not pleasure, or happiness, or circumstance.
Today, don't let me ruminate on vindictive thoughts. Give me freedom from my ugliness. Unlock me, so I can leave this cage behind and grow.
Today, let me imagine a future that satisfies us both.

When I am tempted, be strong for me.
When I am scared, be present.
When I am despairing, hold me up.
When I forget, remind me.
When I want to run away, keep me steadfast.
When I want to look the other way, force me to look ahead.
When I am anxious, give me peace.

Sometimes, I can't even think about the things I want to do in this life because it makes me so hyper and I can't calm down. It makes me feel manic. But let me have it, God. Let me stretch out my hand towards it and grasp it. Open these doors that seem so firmly shut. There have been enough tears for one lifetime. Now, it's my turn to smile without compromise.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

So, I've got this shiny new blog, right? And it's pretty and pink and makes me happy every time I open the page, right? And I am a witty, interesting girl with regular reels of commentary on my daily observations, right?


I think I'm kind of washed out. I think I have a bit of shell shock, really, the way soliders do when they return from war. I sometimes think, if I open my mouth, what will come out of it? Will I recognize my own voice? Will my words betray me?

Okay, let's see. My apartment is cluttered and needs a thorough cleaning. It needs a thorough re-organization, if you want to know the truth. I wonder if I have it in me to bother? Probably not. But I can at least clean it. That much will be a relief.

Then let's what else. Hmmmm. I have serious insomnia. Four nights running. That was interesting, wasn't it? Almost as interesting as having to clean my apartment? We're on a roll here, kids.

I have a cute American coming to visit next weekend. He comes complete with mockable accent, though also giant, incredibly efficient brain, so he is forgiven. I have a cute Romanian med student coming to visit tomorrow, though her accent only comes out when she's tired, and even then, I wonder what she's going on about since everyone knows she's not speaking a real language anyway. Merely gibberish.

Hmmm. All my friends are smarter than me, I think. No wonder I have such a complex.

Speaking of complexes, I did the Myers-Briggs test and came back INFP. That means that I'm a really good, albeit reserved citizen with cute neurosis.

And I forgot to pay my rent. You see? I am a bad tenant.

I am wearing flannel PJs. They are too hot under my duvet.

If I get any more interesting or eloquent, someone's going to nominate me for a Pulitzer. I'll go work on my acceptance speech now.

Good night.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change those that I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.


Holy shite.

I'm 29.


I saw it in print for the first time today. I swear, I did.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. DON'T. FREAK. OUT.

Except, I'm freaking out.

How did I get to be 29? That's pure adult. There's no chance that's not adult. That's like, 100% adult, and counting.

I'm 29.

How did that happen? And why is it so terrifying?

The Old Bag

Testing, testing.

Is this thing on? Hey?